As much as I love games that have both a solemn tone and subject matter, Grim Fandango Remastered is a welcome break from all the seriousness that surrounds most current games, and I for one would love to see more games like this on offer – ones that use humour as a major part of the plot theme and not just an afterthought. But Grim Fandango has a whole different approach to humour than most video games – one that incorporates it into the title as a whole.įrom cut-scenes to conversations, innuendo and sarcasm is prevalent throughout, and the game refuses to take itself too seriously. Most games, however, don’t have humour running all the way through them, but rather confine it to one or two quirky supporting characters. It’s why I love Nathan Drake, and it’s why I fell in love with Daxter when I was younger, because they are sarcastic characters who remind me of myself. I love videogames that inject some humour into their stories, especially when characters make light of the perils in front of them. I ended up playing Hotline Miami instead, which I used to kill my annoyance away. I also had to rage quit once, after this and the above problem merged together. This kind of thing happened a few times while I was in the Land of the Dead, with walk-throughs being, I’m somewhat ashamed to say, a tool I had to use many times. There were quite a few numerical, race and week options on the ticket printer and I could find no clue as to what I was supposed to enter. A prime example of this was in Year Two, when I had to use my ticket printer and forge a betting slip in order to progress. Grim Fandango takes this idea of thinking for yourself to a whole new level – a level that often resulted in me wandering around with no idea what to do next. In fact, I think we’re often spoiled these days by the amount of information we’re given, not that it’s necessarily a bad thing, but it is fun sometimes to whack on a game that makes you use your noggin. I’m all for working out things for myself in videogames. We’ve come to begrudgingly expect glitches, of course – especially from something like Assassin’s Creed Unity – and while those are annoying, nothing beats forgetting to hit the save button, only for your hard work to be lost in one fell swoop.

Perhaps it was my fault for not doing so, but these days you don’t expect games to stop working altogether, especially not PS4 ones. If the save function on the game were automatic, this wouldn’t be much of a problem, but Grim Fandango Remastered keeps some of the old-school authenticity by making you physically save your game. One minute I’d be making some sarcastic comment to another fleshless body and the next, Manny would be left frozen on my screen.

It’s not often that I experience games just stopping on me these days, but Grim Fandango Remastered did this on a fair few occasions. Playing as Manny, the part-time Grim Reaper and full-time smoking skeleton, I learned a few things, some bad, some good: Modern games can still freeze